How To Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

How To Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

Right now, there are probably a bunch of things on your mind. Work, money, the economy, the government, relationships, and the list goes on. It’s natural to worry about things that are important to us. The problem is that many of us worry about things we can’t change or do anything about — wasting a lot of energy and time worrying about nothing. Luckily there is a way to feel more in control of our lives and be less distracted by pointless worrying.

In this podcast, you’ll learn how transforming your attitude, perspective, and approach to life can help you lower stress and anxiety.


Ravi Kathuria’s Background and Work

Quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, WorldNews, NPR, featured on PBS Nightly Business Report, CBS Radio, TEDx, and the BusinessMakers show, Ravi served as a columnist for SmartBusiness Magazine.

A business thought leader and entrepreneur, Ravi is the founder of a management consulting and executive coaching firm, Cohegic, and the founder of the business conferences firm, Houston Strategy Forum.

Ravi is the author of a business book, “How Cohesive is your Company?” In his book, Ravi presented a holistic, cohesive management method that received great praise from top executives and business professors.

His spirituality book, “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” is a parable about non-religious, practical spirituality. He has applied his analytical and intuitive skills to solve the complexity and confusion of spirituality. He has made spirituality stunningly simple and accessible for all!

Through the story of two colleagues struggling with stress and anxiety, Ravi shares his modern and logical approach to spirituality. “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” is a work of spiritual genius that is free from religious doctrines.

Ravi has shared the spiritual path in a way only a true teacher can.


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